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How to Draw a European Palm Tree

Planting and Care

Planting instructions

Soil moisture is vital for the European fan palm tree. Use a hose to soak this plant's root ball before planting. Then dig a hole that is twice as wide as the root ball and as deep as the root ball is tall. Continue watering while you backfill the planting hole. The location you choose for your European fan palm tree can have full or partial sun exposure. This plant does not grow as large as other palms. However, it needs ample space into which its roots can spread horizontally.

Watering and nutrients

The European fan palm tree has high water needs, as is the case with many palm tree varieties. After planting this tree, you should give it water every other day until it establishes itself. After that, you should provide water about once per week, more often during hot spells. Give this species fertilizer once per year after it has exited its dormant phase. Generally, any palm tree-specific fertilizer will encourage this tree to put forth more healthy new growth. Still, the European fan palm tree is slow-growing overall.


Prune your European fan palm tree to remove fronds that have become diseased or significantly damaged. Begin by evaluating which leaves are in healthy condition and which are detracting from the tree's appearance and growth. After identifying a leaf you wish to remove, find the point at which it meets the trunk. Make your pruning cut within 1 inch of the frond's base. The cut should be as clean as possible, as should your pruning tools.

Pests, diseases, and animals

One of the main advantages of growing a European fan palm tree is that this species is incredibly pest-resistant. That resilience makes this plant much easier to maintain. Despite that, there are some insects that can occasionally affect this plant, including spider mites and scale. However, those instances are generally rare. You can also treat many infestations by applying insecticide soap to your palm tree. Fungal diseases are also rare but can occur in European fan palm trees. Leaf spot is among the most common of those afflictions.

Achieving maximum results

European fan palm trees need a lot of water. However, they also prefer dry air. As such, you should avoid getting the leaves and trunk wet while watering. Overhead watering is particularly likely to cause this plant's leaves to rot. You should also know that this plant develops sharp spikes on its trunk. The large leaves can often conceal these spikes — and the entire trunk. The hidden presence of those strong points means you should use caution whenever you handle this plant.

How large does a European fan palm tree grow?

At most, the European fan palm tree grows to about 10 to 15 feet tall. Its spread can equal that size or exceed it. However, this species is also relatively slow-growing, meaning that it will take many years to reach its mature size. Because of that moderate mature size and slow growth rate, European fan palm trees can grow well in container gardens and in indoor settings. Just be sure to use a relatively wide container to give the roots enough space to spread.

Is the European fan palm tree cold-hardy?

The European fan palm tree is somewhat cold-hardy. However, this plant grows best in regions that are warm year-round. Zones 8 through 11 represent the regions in which this plant can grow outdoors. You can grow this plant in colder regions too. The difference is that you'll need to bring it inside during the colder parts of the year. Fortunately, this is easy to do, as the European fan palm tree remains healthy while growing in containers and adapts well to indoor growing locations.

Do European fan palm trees have deep roots?

Generally, European fan palm trees, like other palm trees, do not have deep root systems. Rather than penetrating down into the earth, the root system of a palm is more likely to spread horizontally, creating a mat of roots below the soil's surface. Rarely do palm roots reach depths greater than 3 feet. For that reason, it is essential that you give your European fan palm tree enough space on all sides so that its roots can develop properly.

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    • Mature width


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    • Sunlight requirement

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    • Mature width

      25 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

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    • Mature width

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    Rising Sun Redbud Tree

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    • Mature height

      8-12 ft.

    • Mature width

      6-8 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Part Sun (4 hours minimum) or Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Sylvester Palm Trees

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    • Mature height

      10-15 ft

    • Mature width

      8-15 ft

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

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    • Mature height

      40-60 ft.

    • Mature width

      30-70 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Cherokee Brave Dogwood

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    • Mature height

      20-30 ft.

    • Mature width

      25-35 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Part Shade Preferred-- Tolerates Full Sun in Cooler Zones

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

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    Christmas Palm Trees

    • Mature height

      8-10 ft Indoors
      10-25 ft Outdoors

    • Mature width

      4-8 ft Indoors
      5-10 ft Outdoors

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


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    • Mature width

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    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


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    • Mature height

      5-8 ft. (Indoors)

    • Mature width

      2-5 ft. (Indoors)

    • Sunlight requirement

      Partial Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Cleveland Pear Tree flowers

    Cleveland Pear Trees

    • Mature height

      30-40 ft.

    • Mature width

      15-20 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

    Eastern Red Bud flowers

    Eastern Redbud

    • Mature height

      20-30 ft.

    • Mature width

      10-15 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Part Sun (4 hours minimum) or Full Sun

    • Growth rate


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    • Mature width

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      10-20 ft Outdoor

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      10-15 ft Outdoors

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    • Growth rate


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    • Mature height

      15-25 ft.

    • Mature width

      15-25 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


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    • Mature height


    • Mature width

      5-6 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


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    • Mature height

      8-12 ft.

    • Mature width

      4-5 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


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    • Mature height

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    • Mature width

      15-25 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


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    • Mature height

      15-20 ft.

    • Mature width

      15 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Best Color- Part Shade Tolerates Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

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    • Mature height

      25-35 ft.

    • Mature width

      25-35 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Valencia Orange Tree

    Valencia Orange Tree

    • Mature height

      8 ft. pruned

    • Mature width

      3-4 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

    Gold Nugget Mandarin Tree

    Gold Nugget Mandarin Tree

    • Mature height

      8 ft. pruned

    • Mature width

      8-12 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Blue Point

    Blue Point Juniper

    • Mature height

      4-12 ft.

    • Mature width

      2-8 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Flame Thrower Redbud Tree

    Flame Thrower Redbud Tree

    • Mature height

      15-20 ft.

    • Mature width

      15-20 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Part Sun (4 hours minimum) or Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Taylor Juniper Tree

    Taylor Juniper Tree

    • Mature height

      15-20 ft.

    • Mature width

      3 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Blue Atlas Cedar Tree

    Blue Atlas Cedar Tree

    • Mature height

      40-60 ft.

    • Mature width

      30-40 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Sweetbay Magnolia

    Sweetbay Magnolia

    • Mature height

      30-50 ft.

    • Mature width

      20-25 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Bloodgood Japanese Maple

    Bloodgood Japanese Maple

    • Mature height

      15 ft.

    • Mature width

      15-25 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Best color- Part Shade Tolerates Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • American Sycamore tree

    American Sycamore Tree

    • Mature height

      70 ft.

    • Mature width

      50 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Skyrocket Juniper 1

    Skyrocket Juniper

    • Mature height

      15 ft.

    • Mature width

      2-3 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Spartan Juniper close-up

    Spartan Juniper

    • Mature height

      15-20 ft.

    • Mature width

      4-5 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Ruby Red Grapefruit tree

    Ruby Red Grapefruit

    • Mature height

      15-20 ft. unpruned

    • Mature width

      8-10 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Jane Magnolia

    Jane Magnolia

    • Mature height

      10-15 ft.

    • Mature width

      5-10 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Coral Bark Japanese Maple

    Coral Bark Japanese Maple

    • Mature height

      15-25 ft.

    • Mature width

      10-12 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Best color- Part Shade Tolerates Full Sun in cooler regions

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

    Bonfire Patio Peach leaves

    Bonfire Patio Peach Tree

    • Mature height

      4-5 ft.

    • Mature width

      4-5 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

    Blue Moon Wisteria Vine

    Blue Moon Wisteria

    • Mature height

      25 ft.

    • Mature width

      6-8 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • White Spruce Tree

    White Spruce Tree

    • Mature height

      40-60 ft.

    • Mature width

      10-20 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Dakota Pinnacle Birch 1

    Dakota Pinnacle Birch

    • Mature height

      30-34 ft.

    • Mature width

      10-12 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • 3 Dwarf Alberta Spruce

    Dwarf Alberta Spruce

    • Mature height

      6-8 ft.

    • Mature width

      4-5 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Magnolia Trees

    Magnolia Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Large Oak Tree

    Oak Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Eastern White Pine

    Pine Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Hawaiian Hibiscus

    Hibiscus Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Bright Japanese Maple Tree

    Japanese Maple Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • White Bark Trees

    White Bark Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Blue State Flowers

    State Flowers

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Honey Locust Trees

    Locust Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Arizona Cypress

    Cypress Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Potted Bamboo Palm

    Bamboo Palms

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Bonsai Tree

    Bonsai Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Flowering Cherry Blossom Trees

    Cherry Blossom Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Crape Myrtle Trees

    Crape Myrtle Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Dogwood Blooms

    Dogwood Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Fuchsia Plant

    Fuchsia Plants

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Torch Lily flowers

    Torch Lilies

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety
